The Government currently has ring fenced funding for primary school PE and Sport Funding often known as Sport Premium. Schools must spend this additional funding on improving their provision of PE and sport but they have the freedom to choose how they do this. Many schools are now using this funding to fund their Skip2Bfit and Box2Bfit workshop and kitbag, as it provides resources and training for the schools to continue after the one day workshop.
The benefit of Skip2Bfit over others is the holistic approach that it offers. Our workshops not only motivate children to start skipping, but also intrinsically motivate children to improve in all areas of the curiculum. We also emphasise the importance of healthy eating by providing the school with bluebrries for all the children and teachers. We have also recently started to offer a free blueberry bush to schools to plant in their outside eco-garden.
Here are some other funding ideas for your school:-
- Run a sponsored skip2Bfit day . Many schools have raised over £2,000 from either a penny a skip or a sponsored skip and all the funds raised can go back into the school. To download a sponsorship form click here.
- Many schools have asked their PTA to fund a skip2bfit day and sometimes a kitbag, which can be used at a later date to fund a sponsored skip2bfit day.
- If the school are happy we will leave skipping ropes and blueberry bounce balls to sell at the school after the skip2bfit workshop. We offer schools one free rope or ball for every ten they sell, which they can either use for school equipment or sell at a later date in a school fair to get funds for the school.
- Many schools ask for a contribution from the children to pay towards the workshop
- Some schools have used their pupil premium to fund skip2bfit due to the proven academic links
- One school was given a grant by the local Council because of the obesity levels of the year 6 children and part of this was used to fund Skip2Bfit.
- Local Councillors have funds to allocate to local causes and some schools have been able to get funding for a skip2Bfit workshop