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From Speaker of the House to Skipper of the HouseJohn Bercow MP had a go today of becoming 'The Skipper of the House' when he visited Skip2bfit at Quainton Primary School. Mr Bercow is used to sitting down in his job so knows the importance of getting up to 'Skip2bfit'. To demonstrate this he had a go at the 2 Minute Skip2bfit Challenge and see how he compared to all the other MPs who have had a go. He achieved a very respectable 105 skips in 2 minutes. You can see here how it compares to other MPs. 



After skipping Mr Bercow helped plant a Blueberry Bush given to Quainton Primary by Skip2bfit ,thanks to its sponsors Winterwood Farm, who provide blueberries to Skip2bfit skipping workshops for us to hand out to the children that take part in the workshops.


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