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MP for Aldershot, Gerald Howarth, had a go at the Skip2bfit Challenge last night at the 6th Farnborough Scout Group. The Scout Group had won a session from skip2bfit through the Sainsbury's Active Kids competition and Mr Howarth was able to find time out of his very busy schedule to come along and have a go himself. He was very impressive and despite skipping in his suit he managed a very respectable 80 skips in 2 minutes and is now included on our MP leader board.  


Sheila Brown from the 6th Farnborough Scout Group said, 'On behalf of 6th Farnborough Scout Group I should just like to say thanks for a wonderful session.  John obviously enjoys what he does and his enthusiasm is catching.  He managed to captivate everyone's attention and all but two or three of the adults had a go, some for the first time.  We will definitely be using his ideas and will be running the challenge(s) through all sections. '

Gerald Howarth MP visits Skip2bfit 

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